A few days ago, I was listening to Robin speak and I couldn’t believe what I heard. Up until this point I had been undecided about whether he was a true or false prophet. I’m not undecided any more! Here is the message: https://rumble.com/embed/v1g16al/?pub=dxm3v.
In a nutshell, he was saying that Jesus is about to come to the earth and destroy His enemies but that we won’t see Jesus. He went on to say that the followers of Christ will somehow receive the wealth of the wicked enemies of God that get destroyed. Then he declared that the antichrist will have to start his rule without any money because all the money will have been given to the people of God! Well that sounds pretty good doesn’t it? The only problem with it is THAT IT IS NOT BIBLICAL!!
Look at this passage from Isaiah 63:1-6 that Robin was quoting. It says that Jesus will return and trample His enemies under his feet and that his robe will be splattered with their blood! Mr Bullock read this passage and declared that this is about to happen now, before the tribulation. But is that even possible? Compare it to this passage from Isaiah 2:5-22 where His enemies have nowhere to hide on the day of His judgment and return. Let’s also compare these passages to this passage from Revelation 19:11-20 where Jesus returns on a horse wearing a robe dipped in blood at the end of the tribulation to remove His enemies and set up His Kingdom.
All 3 of these passages describe the literal return of Jesus Christ to the earth when He will set up His eternal Kingdom on earth. Do you honestly think there is any possibility that Jesus is going to return on a horse wearing a robe splattered with blood and destroy His enemies twice? Of course not! But this teaching is appealing to those who love their lives in this world more than they love their lives in the next life with Jesus.
My friends, the bible is clear that Jesus will one day return to eliminate His enemies and to set up His eternal Kingdom, but He isn’t going to come back twice. There will be a second coming of Christ, but not a 3rd, 4th, or 5th.
Robin told the audience that Jesus is going to come and destroy His enemies but not that He will return and set up His Kingdom. That is not true! When Jesus comes back, it will be to both establish His Kingdom on earth and to eliminate His enemies.
The final statement he made that really blew me away was that the Antichrist will have to begin the tribulation without any money. Turns out that Robyn believes that the followers of Christ will get all the wealth and then we will be raptured so the antichrist will have no money?
Recently, a friend sent me a video of Robin Bullock speaking these same heresies with an added twist (https://youtu.be/vEH77ZgDnZ4). This time he literally stated, that the church will get the wealth of the wicked, and then the church will be raptured out of here, and therefore the antichrist will be financially broke when he begins to rule. The crowd loved it, but it’s not biblical. In fact, it’s foolishness. What is he implying is going to happen? That we will take wordly wealth with us when we're “raptured?” Of course we’re not! Plus, the rapture doesn’t happen until the END of the tribulation anyway! Here is a book on the real timing of the rapture.
My friend, I've been reading the Bible almost daily for over 35 years and I have never seen a passage that says, or even implies that the Antichrist will be lacking in financial resources when he begins his reign of terror on the earth. The Bible does NOT say that the Antichrist will ever be broke. Robyn is just making that up, and people like it. It is an appealing thought and so it increases his following. Don’t fall for it
Where does the bible say that the people of God are going to obtain all the wealth of the wicked during the last days? It doesn’t!
It will happen but NOT during the last days.
After the tribulation the faithful followers of Jesus will receive the kingdoms and wealth of the earth but that is partly because there will be no one else left to possess them. All the enemies of Jesus will have been killed, and all the christians who were going to fall away will have done so. Therefore, at the start of Jesus' kingdom, the only people left alive on the earth will be the true and faithful followers of Jesus!
Where does the bible say that the AntiChrist will have to begin his rule during the tribulation without any money? It doesn’t!
Now, regarding the wealth transfer; it IS going to happen! And the Bible tells us exactly when it will happen. In Daniel 7:18-27 we are told 3 times when it will happen.
Daniel 7:26-27 says that the saints (you and me) will be given all the greatness of all the kingdoms on earth. And it clearly says when this will happen. It will happen when the kingdom of the Antichrist is destroyed! And, the apostle Paul says that on that day all the believers left alive on earth will be transformed into immortal and incorruptible bodies.
In one article on this subject, (at shortbiblestudies.com) the author said, "our wise Father is not going to transfer our inheritance to us until He eternally obliterates our ability to spoil it!" I think that's true. And I will add that God also needs to obliterate the ability of the inheritance to spoil us as well.
I once heard Chuck Swindol say, “To give a person something they have not earned is to corrupt them from within.” God won’t give us the wealth of the world until we can’t be corrupted by that gift. He will give it to us once we are in our incorruptible, eternal, immortal bodies and not a second before!
Clearly, we will receive the wealth of the nations on the day Jesus comes back. And clearly, on the day Jesus comes back, we will be transformed into our eternal immortal bodies. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53.
Be honest with yourself. What does the idea of the wealth transfer do inside you? Does it make you love or justify the pursuit of money? Does it make you greedy? Does it cause you to covet anything that currently doesn’t belong to you? If it does any of those things in you, then you can rest assured that the idea does not originate with God.
My friends, we are living in unprecedented times and false prophets are arising like never before. Look at this passage from Jeremiah 14:13-15 where the prophet Jeremiah tells the Lord that the other prophets are prophesying that everything is going to be fine and that war and famine will never come near them. God replies and says that these are false prophets. That they are prophesying things they have made up in their minds. God goes on to say that the ones who are predicting peace and safety will actually die by war and famine…the very things they falsely claimed would never come.
I believe we are experiencing a repeat of this scenario right now (2022). Today, the majority of the “prophets” (false ones really) are saying that the bad people are going to be eliminated and that things are going to become good again. And that sounds nice and it appeals to our flesh. It IS what our itching ears WANT to hear. The problem is that they are having to twist the scriptures in order to “prove” their case.
Jesus said this would happen! He literally said, "many false prophets will appear and deceive many people." (Matthew 24:11) That is what we are witnessing right now! Are you one of the deceived?
A few verses earlier, Jesus was answering a question about how we'll know it's the time of the end. Jesus' very first command is, "don't let anyone deceive you." He went on to say that many will try to deceive His followers and in verse 10 He predicts that many people will turn away from Him and will betray and hate each other.
Listen, God doesn't want you to be deceived in these last days and He doesn't want you to fall away. Read Matthew 24, it seems that those who are deceived are the ones who fall away. Like maybe they fall away because they are deceived! Don’t let it be you. Don’t be a last days casualty because you listened to human lying prophets and didn’t take the time to look into these things for yourself. Please don’t gamble your eternity on what others are telling you.
Safeguards Against False Prophets
Lastly, let me give you some safeguards against false teachers.
As of this writing (October 2022) there are several primary deceptive heresies that are circulating and being believed widely throughout the Christian community.
So if you hear these heresies come out of the mouth of a "prophet" you can immediately dismiss them as one of the last day's false prophets and never listen to them again! Eliminate them from your life because their intent (conscious or unconscious) is to deceive you so that you fall away from Jesus and lose your soul.
Major Heresies For the Day
Heresy #1 They will say that you and I are going to receive a wealth transfer BEFORE the end of the tribulation and the return of Christ. The false idea is that Jesus will come and eliminate His enemies and somehow transfer the money and possessions of those people to His faithful followers. That teaching is not in the Bible and is designed to harm your soul. Flee from it!
Heresy #2 When someone declares that we're going into a type of a "Kingdom age" that does not include the physical return of the King of kings you should dismiss them as a false prophet immediately and never listen to them again! The Bible says nothing about a Kingdom age without a King present on the earth to rule that kingdom!
Heresy #3 Is the pre-tribulation rapture. This is the false teaching that the true believers in Jesus Christ will be taken out of the world through a “rapture” before the tribulation even begins. That is NOT what the Bible teaches at all. Many believe and promote this false belief today and that is simply because they have learned to believe what they have been told by other deceived people instead of learning what the Bible really says for themselves!
To find out what the Bible does say on this subject of the timing of the rapture, feel free to read my book on the subject. It is published under 2 titles, DEAD WRONG The truth about the pre-tribulation rapture teaching or What the bible really says about THE TIMING OF THE RAPTURE. You can find it on Amazon or on one of our websites: EmbraceTheKingdom.org or GoMultiply.org
Heresy #4 Say’s that there will be a great (some say 1 billion soul) revival in these last days and before the tribulation. I can’t find that in scripture either. People try to manipulate passages to say this, but if you read the passages in context, you’ll find that it just isn’t there.
Instead, the Bible actually says that there will be a great falling away. 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
Jesus also said that in the last days many will fall away and will betray and hate each other. Matthew 24:10.
Listen my friend, we are currently entering the “terrible times” of the last days (Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and see if you don’t agree) and people are increasingly “gathering to themselves teachers who teach what their itching ears WANT to hear!” (2 Timothy 4:3) But you don’t have to be deceived! You don’t have to fall prey to the false teachers and false prophets who are all over the TV and internet and church pulpits right now.
Learn How to Learn Directly From God!
You can learn how to learn from God for yourself, and if you learn that, then you will never be led astray. In John 6:45 Jesus says that EVERYONE who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to Jesus, and in 1 John 2:27 John states that you DO NOT NEED human teachers because you have the Holy Spirit and He will teach you everything you need to know!
So even if ALL of your human teachers are removed from your life, YOU WILL BE FINE! You will be fine because you’ve got God and He’s got you. He’ll make sure you know everything you need to know.
So, get to know God, read your bible for yourself, and let the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit teach you what the word really means, and how to apply it to your life! Or better yet, gather some like-minded people and study the Bible together. Use the Discovery Bible Study process because that is the best way I have ever seen to learn how to learn directly from God as a group!
Stay close to Jesus! These are the days of great rebellion and falling away. Let’s help one another to remain faithful as the final generation of saints of this age.